TVRCC forum rules and guidelines
The TVRCC encourages active and open debate among our members. All that we ask is that it is done in a lawful and civil manner. Accordingly, you agree to use the TVRCC Discussion Forums for lawful purposes only. To keep the Forums clean, usable, and helpful to others a set of rules have been put together with which we ask all members to comply:
1. Names and Usernames
As this forum is for the sole use of TVRCC members we strongly ask that you register with a recognisable name, or at least enter your real name in your profile or signature block. This especially applies to Regional Organisers and Committee members. The TVRCC exists to promote shared enjoyment of the marque and there should be no reason for any members to have to 'hide' behind anonymous nicknames.
Anonymous users may have their accounts deleted at the TVRCC’s discretion. Remember that anonymity in itself suggests that you are trying to hide something for which there should be no need on a Club forum.
Each forum member may have only one account. However, it is possible for family members at the same address and membership number to have separate usernames. Please contact the Club Office to arrange for an additional ghost membership number to be created to facilitate this.
You must not allow any other person to use your account. However, we recognise that there are rare occasions when family members may wish to post but have not created their own account. In these circumstances, the poster is to make it quite clear that he/she is using his/her partner’s username. Better still, see above.
2. Posts
Whereas we openly acknowledge that since the forum is members only, there should be no opportunity for trolls to get in, we equally recognise that occasionally members will resort to 'troll-like' posts insomuch that they will deliberately make posts that are inflammatory just to annoy people. We reserve the right to remove or edit such posts without warning or prior consultation with the poster. In such cases and to ensure that it is not just one member’s opinion versus another, agreement shall be required between at least two moderators that the post is “troll-like” and deliberately inflammatory.
Personal Attacks. Please use the forums where appropriate to criticise ideas, not people. 'Flaming' will not be tolerated. This includes any material which is abusive, vulgar, objectionable (including deliberate misspellings of offensive language), defamatory, inaccurate, harassing, obscene, hateful, fraudulent, unlawful, threatening, invading of others privacy, sexually oriented, or violates any laws language.
Pornographic material. No pornographic, sexually offensive or sexually explicit material will be tolerated. This includes suggestive images, graphics, and comments. Remember that with family membership, we often have minors who from time to time may browse the website. We will remove anything that could be deemed to be offensive to anyone, including minors.
Diversity. We will not tolerate any posts that could be deemed to be offensive to anyone’s race, sex, colour or creed.
Libel. We will not tolerate any comments that are libellous. Libel is defined as “a published false statement damaging to a person’s reputation; a false and defamatory written statement” (Oxford Concise Dictionary). We reserve the right to remove any such posts that could be so deemed without warning.
You are not permitted to post or transmit any material that you do not have a right to transmit under law (such as copyright, trade secret or securities) or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (as in nondisclosure agreements). We will not tolerate posts or statements that are intentionally false or misleading.
Respect the privacy of others. Do not post other members phone numbers, addresses, pictures, etc or any private or personal matters concerning any person, without their permission.
You must not post such as to create an impression that your post is from any other member, or impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with anyone or entity or collect or store personal data about other users.
You must not post or transmit any advertising, promotional materials, or other forms of solicitation including chain letters or pyramid schemes, or knowingly post or transmit any file that contains viruses, corrupted files, "Trojan Horses," or any other contaminating or destructive features that may damage someone else's computer.
Message content. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages including all statements made and acts that occur through the use of your username and password. Please do not disclose your password to anybody. If you believe that your password has been stolen, you must inform the TVRCC.
3. Signatures
Signatures can be no longer than 4 lines. Signatures may contain a link to your personal site or sites that maybe of use to other members, No blatant advertising please! Signatures are expected to follow the same guidelines as posts.
4. Private Messages
These same rules apply to the content of any material sent via the Private Message system.
5. Correct Place
Please post in the right forum. Chimaera posts will not get answered in the Cerbera section for instance.
6. Topic Subjects
Use descriptive Topic Subjects (Titles). This will help others find what they want to read.
7. On Topic
The TVRCC freely acknowledges that the forum is more than just an area to talk about TVRs (although that of course is it’s primary purpose) and to that end we do not discourage off-topic postings. But we equally recognise that not everyone will want to read non-TVR related threads and therefore we ask that you prefix the title with O/T if it is not specifically related to TVRs or the TVRCC. That way, members who get email notification of posts can select which ones they want to download. The Club reserves the right for moderators to add this prefix if it s felt that the subject is off-topic.
Research your Post! Ensure you are not double posting; search the forum first. Many questions may have been answered before.
Do not dig up old threads. If you want to continue an old discussion, create a new thread and reference the old one in your post.
No Cap Locks. Please do not post messages with the subject or post all in capital letters. Words all in capitals are not only annoying but are read 50% slower than normal writing.
8. Moderators
A number of members will be appointed by the Committee to act as Moderators. Their duties will be to monitor the forums and take appropriate action if any of the forum rules are being breached. Moderators can edit, delete or move posts, delete or move threads, and temporarily suspend accounts (“sin-binning”). If a complaint is raised by any member about a post, it automatically generates a report to all Moderators. The first to see the original thread is empowered to act (but see above).
Anyone can volunteer to be a Moderator. No prior experience is necessary and you do not have to be a Committee member or Regional Organiser. However, the TVRCC reserves the right to not appoint someone who volunteers to take on the Moderator duties if for any reason it can be judged that such an appointment may not be in the best interest of the Club.
The Chief Moderator shall be appointed by the committee.
9. Disciplinary Procedure
If you are found breaking any of the rules of the TVRCC forum, the Club reserves the right to take such disciplinary action as it deems necessary for the protection of the Club itself and its members. In essence, disciplinary action is at three levels:
Warning. Any Moderator can issue a Warning, which may be either Private by email to the member’s notified email address or Public on the forum in question.
Temporary Suspension or the Sin Bin. Any Moderator can place a member in the Sin Bin for a period of up to 24 hours to cool off. During that time a decision will be taken by a majority of the available Moderators to determine what further action if any is warranted. This may be to either rescind the suspension or to extend out to a maximum period 7 days. With the approval of at least 50% of all moderators, including a majority of Committee/RO Moderators, this may extend to a period of up to 28 days. In any event, an email is to be sent to the member’s registered email address explaining why he/she has been suspended and for what period.
Expulsion. If, after your account is reactivated following suspension, you continue to breach the Forum posting rules, the TVRCC reserves the right to permanently exclude you from the forums. Any Moderator may propose this to the Committee although as this would constitute a removal of one of your benefits as a Club member, the decision can only be taken by a majority vote by the Committee although this vote may be taken electronically without the need to wait for a scheduled Committee meeting. It is stressed that this sanction is seen as being necessary only in the most extreme of circumstances and it is not a decision that will taken lightly.
The TVRCC reserves the right to Sin Bin members for flagrant breaches of the rules without the need to issue a warning. The Sin Bin constitutes an automatic warning that further breaches may result in expulsion.
10. Data Protection
In accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998, the TVRCC will not disclose any personal information held within the forum database to anyone except where we are legally obliged to do so.
11. Indemnification
In the event of a breach of this agreement and a loss being suffered as a consequence the TVRCC will look to hold the member responsible for reasonable losses.
These rules are updated from time to time.
1. Names and Usernames
As this forum is for the sole use of TVRCC members we strongly ask that you register with a recognisable name, or at least enter your real name in your profile or signature block. This especially applies to Regional Organisers and Committee members. The TVRCC exists to promote shared enjoyment of the marque and there should be no reason for any members to have to 'hide' behind anonymous nicknames.
Anonymous users may have their accounts deleted at the TVRCC’s discretion. Remember that anonymity in itself suggests that you are trying to hide something for which there should be no need on a Club forum.
Each forum member may have only one account. However, it is possible for family members at the same address and membership number to have separate usernames. Please contact the Club Office to arrange for an additional ghost membership number to be created to facilitate this.
You must not allow any other person to use your account. However, we recognise that there are rare occasions when family members may wish to post but have not created their own account. In these circumstances, the poster is to make it quite clear that he/she is using his/her partner’s username. Better still, see above.
2. Posts
Whereas we openly acknowledge that since the forum is members only, there should be no opportunity for trolls to get in, we equally recognise that occasionally members will resort to 'troll-like' posts insomuch that they will deliberately make posts that are inflammatory just to annoy people. We reserve the right to remove or edit such posts without warning or prior consultation with the poster. In such cases and to ensure that it is not just one member’s opinion versus another, agreement shall be required between at least two moderators that the post is “troll-like” and deliberately inflammatory.
Personal Attacks. Please use the forums where appropriate to criticise ideas, not people. 'Flaming' will not be tolerated. This includes any material which is abusive, vulgar, objectionable (including deliberate misspellings of offensive language), defamatory, inaccurate, harassing, obscene, hateful, fraudulent, unlawful, threatening, invading of others privacy, sexually oriented, or violates any laws language.
Pornographic material. No pornographic, sexually offensive or sexually explicit material will be tolerated. This includes suggestive images, graphics, and comments. Remember that with family membership, we often have minors who from time to time may browse the website. We will remove anything that could be deemed to be offensive to anyone, including minors.
Diversity. We will not tolerate any posts that could be deemed to be offensive to anyone’s race, sex, colour or creed.
Libel. We will not tolerate any comments that are libellous. Libel is defined as “a published false statement damaging to a person’s reputation; a false and defamatory written statement” (Oxford Concise Dictionary). We reserve the right to remove any such posts that could be so deemed without warning.
You are not permitted to post or transmit any material that you do not have a right to transmit under law (such as copyright, trade secret or securities) or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (as in nondisclosure agreements). We will not tolerate posts or statements that are intentionally false or misleading.
Respect the privacy of others. Do not post other members phone numbers, addresses, pictures, etc or any private or personal matters concerning any person, without their permission.
You must not post such as to create an impression that your post is from any other member, or impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with anyone or entity or collect or store personal data about other users.
You must not post or transmit any advertising, promotional materials, or other forms of solicitation including chain letters or pyramid schemes, or knowingly post or transmit any file that contains viruses, corrupted files, "Trojan Horses," or any other contaminating or destructive features that may damage someone else's computer.
Message content. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages including all statements made and acts that occur through the use of your username and password. Please do not disclose your password to anybody. If you believe that your password has been stolen, you must inform the TVRCC.
3. Signatures
Signatures can be no longer than 4 lines. Signatures may contain a link to your personal site or sites that maybe of use to other members, No blatant advertising please! Signatures are expected to follow the same guidelines as posts.
4. Private Messages
These same rules apply to the content of any material sent via the Private Message system.
5. Correct Place
Please post in the right forum. Chimaera posts will not get answered in the Cerbera section for instance.
6. Topic Subjects
Use descriptive Topic Subjects (Titles). This will help others find what they want to read.
7. On Topic
The TVRCC freely acknowledges that the forum is more than just an area to talk about TVRs (although that of course is it’s primary purpose) and to that end we do not discourage off-topic postings. But we equally recognise that not everyone will want to read non-TVR related threads and therefore we ask that you prefix the title with O/T if it is not specifically related to TVRs or the TVRCC. That way, members who get email notification of posts can select which ones they want to download. The Club reserves the right for moderators to add this prefix if it s felt that the subject is off-topic.
Research your Post! Ensure you are not double posting; search the forum first. Many questions may have been answered before.
Do not dig up old threads. If you want to continue an old discussion, create a new thread and reference the old one in your post.
No Cap Locks. Please do not post messages with the subject or post all in capital letters. Words all in capitals are not only annoying but are read 50% slower than normal writing.
8. Moderators
A number of members will be appointed by the Committee to act as Moderators. Their duties will be to monitor the forums and take appropriate action if any of the forum rules are being breached. Moderators can edit, delete or move posts, delete or move threads, and temporarily suspend accounts (“sin-binning”). If a complaint is raised by any member about a post, it automatically generates a report to all Moderators. The first to see the original thread is empowered to act (but see above).
Anyone can volunteer to be a Moderator. No prior experience is necessary and you do not have to be a Committee member or Regional Organiser. However, the TVRCC reserves the right to not appoint someone who volunteers to take on the Moderator duties if for any reason it can be judged that such an appointment may not be in the best interest of the Club.
The Chief Moderator shall be appointed by the committee.
9. Disciplinary Procedure
If you are found breaking any of the rules of the TVRCC forum, the Club reserves the right to take such disciplinary action as it deems necessary for the protection of the Club itself and its members. In essence, disciplinary action is at three levels:
Warning. Any Moderator can issue a Warning, which may be either Private by email to the member’s notified email address or Public on the forum in question.
Temporary Suspension or the Sin Bin. Any Moderator can place a member in the Sin Bin for a period of up to 24 hours to cool off. During that time a decision will be taken by a majority of the available Moderators to determine what further action if any is warranted. This may be to either rescind the suspension or to extend out to a maximum period 7 days. With the approval of at least 50% of all moderators, including a majority of Committee/RO Moderators, this may extend to a period of up to 28 days. In any event, an email is to be sent to the member’s registered email address explaining why he/she has been suspended and for what period.
Expulsion. If, after your account is reactivated following suspension, you continue to breach the Forum posting rules, the TVRCC reserves the right to permanently exclude you from the forums. Any Moderator may propose this to the Committee although as this would constitute a removal of one of your benefits as a Club member, the decision can only be taken by a majority vote by the Committee although this vote may be taken electronically without the need to wait for a scheduled Committee meeting. It is stressed that this sanction is seen as being necessary only in the most extreme of circumstances and it is not a decision that will taken lightly.
The TVRCC reserves the right to Sin Bin members for flagrant breaches of the rules without the need to issue a warning. The Sin Bin constitutes an automatic warning that further breaches may result in expulsion.
10. Data Protection
In accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998, the TVRCC will not disclose any personal information held within the forum database to anyone except where we are legally obliged to do so.
11. Indemnification
In the event of a breach of this agreement and a loss being suffered as a consequence the TVRCC will look to hold the member responsible for reasonable losses.
These rules are updated from time to time.