TVRCC Committee - Profile / Job Role
Please direct all membership enquiries, detail changes etc to the Club Office (Tel; 01952 822126), rather than to Committee members. Members are reminded that most of the Committee Members are volunteers and therefore your co-operation is requested in phoning before 9pm please!
Treasurer - Paul Blackwell
I am a Chartered Management Accountant and having worked in Local Government in England and for the Government of Bermuda, I joined a large firm of Accountants in 1988 in a fledging outsourcing enterpise. This enterprise went forward at a pace with contract wins and business acquisitions and as an Executive Director, I developed and led many services to clients until my retirement in 2015. The business at one point turned over in excess of £200m.
I bought my first TVR (Chimaera) in 2006 and then my current Tuscan S mk1 in 2009, wishing I could have kept both of them! I have four children and eight grandchildren and love to be with them, but I have a passion for TVRs and really enjoy road trips, both long and short and now serving the membership as Treasurer.
The Treasurer role attracted me in 2016 at a time when the Club was seeking the experience to perform the function and I was looking for something to occupy my spare capacity. I look forward to continuing to serve an organisation with continuing success.
The Treasurer exercises effective financial administration for the Club in accordance with the rules of the Club and the laws of the Land. I control the finances, including budgets, liaison with accountants and auditors, management accounts and annual accounts, approving and sanctioning expenditure and liaising with the Club Office regarding administration matters and regalia sales. An important element is maintaining communication and information flow to the Committee with financial data and at times of AGM, and where necessary at other times, to all our loyal membership. As a Director I have the responsibility to exercise reasonable care , skill and diligence and perform the role to a high standard.
Paul Blackwell
07872 860540
I bought my first TVR (Chimaera) in 2006 and then my current Tuscan S mk1 in 2009, wishing I could have kept both of them! I have four children and eight grandchildren and love to be with them, but I have a passion for TVRs and really enjoy road trips, both long and short and now serving the membership as Treasurer.
The Treasurer role attracted me in 2016 at a time when the Club was seeking the experience to perform the function and I was looking for something to occupy my spare capacity. I look forward to continuing to serve an organisation with continuing success.
The Treasurer exercises effective financial administration for the Club in accordance with the rules of the Club and the laws of the Land. I control the finances, including budgets, liaison with accountants and auditors, management accounts and annual accounts, approving and sanctioning expenditure and liaising with the Club Office regarding administration matters and regalia sales. An important element is maintaining communication and information flow to the Committee with financial data and at times of AGM, and where necessary at other times, to all our loyal membership. As a Director I have the responsibility to exercise reasonable care , skill and diligence and perform the role to a high standard.
Paul Blackwell
07872 860540