TVRCC Regional Websites
A website is an ideal way of keeping your members informed and letting new members know more about what you can do for them. Most TVRCC regions have already had a website provided by the club over the last 20 years or so.
Domain names (website addresses)
The TVRCC registers and maintains domain names for most regions now; these are typically Please DO NOT register any domain names for TVRCC use by yourself. If you would like a new domain name, maybe because your Region has changed names then please contact the club webmaster - [email protected]
RO Email address
The TVRCC will provide all ROs with an email address such as [email protected]. This will be in the form of a 10Gb webmail box accessed via any web browser with the password you will be provided with. This means you do not have to setup any new mailboxes or passwords, or divulge your home email address to new members. It is also far easier for us to update and change, rather than having to revise email details on the website, should you need to change your home email address or stand down and pass the role to someone else. If you would like a TVRCC RO email address please contact the club webmaster - [email protected]
Note about spam email: due to the fact that some of the RO email addresses have been in use for many years, and are popular and public, it does unfortunately mean that like everyone these days we all have to endure more spam. There is a spam facility built in to the RO email boxes which will help alleviate this to some degree and it can be turned up if you feel you are getting too much spam, although this can then catch some genuine mail. Contact the club webmaster if you would like this changing - [email protected]
Note about spam email: due to the fact that some of the RO email addresses have been in use for many years, and are popular and public, it does unfortunately mean that like everyone these days we all have to endure more spam. There is a spam facility built in to the RO email boxes which will help alleviate this to some degree and it can be turned up if you feel you are getting too much spam, although this can then catch some genuine mail. Contact the club webmaster if you would like this changing - [email protected]
Emails to members in your region
Anything over a handful of emails these days is seen as spam, and the email software will not allow you too send too many emails at once, and will also notice if you try and send in batches too closely together. So we advise you do NOT send bulk emails out from TVRCC email boxes. In the worst case it could result in your email address being blocked at the server centre for misuse.
Instead we advise you use dedicated email newsletter software, which includes legal requirements such as unsubscription options and useful reports that show who has read your emails. Plus you can add photos and present your news much better visually. Solutions like emailoctopus or offer free accounts for low use which covers most Region needs.
Instead we advise you use dedicated email newsletter software, which includes legal requirements such as unsubscription options and useful reports that show who has read your emails. Plus you can add photos and present your news much better visually. Solutions like emailoctopus or offer free accounts for low use which covers most Region needs.
Regional websites
Many years ago, a few very old established regions had their own websites produced. Unfortunately we found that when the local volunteer web designer or RO stepped down, their successors were often left with a site they could not edit in most cases, as well as in some cases, unexpected costs for services or hosting that predeccessors may have signed up to.
Which is why we only allow the use of TVRCC websites where we can maintain the domain names and the TVRCC brand consistency and make sure there are no unexpected costs or content issues. So the TVRCC provides a website with a domain name for each region. It has been noticable that over recent years many regions communicate events and news to their members locally via a range of solutions such as facebook, whatsapp or email so a primary function of the region sites these days is to act as a gateway for this and to provide any other useful links and contact details. The latest version of the regional websites have some great features:
It wll take some time to migrate all the regions over to the new websites and email boxes during 2022 and we will be in touch with the Regional Organisers with details as soon as we get to your region. To request changes or updates to your website use the following link and fill in the form. |