TVRCC Committee - Profile / Job Role
Please direct all membership enquiries, detail changes etc to the Club Office (Tel; 01952 822126), rather than to Committee members. Members are reminded that most of the Committee Members are volunteers and therefore your co-operation is requested in phoning before 9pm please!
Secretary - Mervyn Larner

I first joined the Club in the 1970s and shortly afterwards bought a 3000M. The need for a four-seater saw it replaced by a series of Reliant Scimitars. Through links between TVRs & Scimitars in Holland I went to Zolder in and this re-kindled my need for a TVR. So I bought a 1989 black 350i Fixed Head Coupé (F672YOV ~ unique in having the later 390SE style bumpers).
I re-joined the Club and was soon on the Committee and almost overnight was Chairman - a role I filled for about 10 years and I created the Club’s Model Register after spending a week’s holiday photocopying the Factory’s records. Pressure of work led to me standing down, first as Chairman and later as Model Registrar.
I’d acquired a silver 3000S in 1993 and subsequently sold the 350i in 2006 as it wasn’t being used. The 3000S was restored in 2010-11 by Surface & Design in Blackpool and with work no longer an issue I volunteered as Club Secretary when the vacancy arose.
The Secretary’s main responsibilities are to organise Committee Meetings and keep records of all discussions and actions and in addition to liaise with various other clubs, organisations and agencies.
Last updated 6th December 2011
I re-joined the Club and was soon on the Committee and almost overnight was Chairman - a role I filled for about 10 years and I created the Club’s Model Register after spending a week’s holiday photocopying the Factory’s records. Pressure of work led to me standing down, first as Chairman and later as Model Registrar.
I’d acquired a silver 3000S in 1993 and subsequently sold the 350i in 2006 as it wasn’t being used. The 3000S was restored in 2010-11 by Surface & Design in Blackpool and with work no longer an issue I volunteered as Club Secretary when the vacancy arose.
The Secretary’s main responsibilities are to organise Committee Meetings and keep records of all discussions and actions and in addition to liaise with various other clubs, organisations and agencies.
Last updated 6th December 2011