Child Safeguarding Policy |
The TVR Car Club believes that all children have the right to be safe and enjoy their involvement in the Club’s Activities. We are committed to helping and supporting everyone involved to accept their responsibility to help children enjoy their participation in Club events and safeguard them from harm or abuse.
TVRCC Policy Statement:
The Policy will apply to all Club activities where children or vulnerable people may be present.
Roles and Responsibilities
Under most circumstances in the Club children will be under the supervision and care of the parents or carers. However, there may be some circumstances where this is not the case, children being given a ride in a TVR is an example. In most TVRs the child will be alone with the driver and this can pose risks for both the child and the driver. Wherever possible, it is suggested that the child remains in the sight of other people and in this example, it is suggested that cars travel in convoy so that the car and the child remain in the sight of others throughout.
How to react to concerns about the welfare and safety of children
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. This means that everyone in the Club has a responsibility to respond to any concerns that they or others, may have about a child, or the behaviour of an adult.
There are four categories of child abuse:
Abuse and bullying can and does occur in a wide range of settings.
Reporting Concerns
Indicators of abuse should always be taken seriously and any concerns should be reported:
Any individual that has concerns regarding photography and child safeguarding during Club activities should contact the event organizer who will in turn contact the Club’s Safeguarding Officer.
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
The Child Safeguarding Policy should equally be applied to the protection of Vulnerable Adults.
The TVR Car Club believes that all children have the right to be safe and enjoy their involvement in the Club’s Activities. We are committed to helping and supporting everyone involved to accept their responsibility to help children enjoy their participation in Club events and safeguard them from harm or abuse.
TVRCC Policy Statement:
- The welfare of the child is paramount
- All children regardless of age, gender, ability or disability, faith, size, language or sexual identity, have the right to protection from harm
- All allegations, suspicions of harm and concerns will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly, fairly and appropriately
The Policy will apply to all Club activities where children or vulnerable people may be present.
- Safeguarding Children is a broader term than “Child Protection” which includes prevention activities.
- Children are defined in the Children Act 1989 as people under the age of 18 years. For the purposes of this Policy the legal definition applies.
- Child Protection is the specific aspect of safeguarding that protects children from harm, or abuse or risk of harm or abuse.
Roles and Responsibilities
- The National TVR Car Club will publicise this policy and provide support and guidance for Regional Groups and Event Organisers in adopting and implementing their own policies and procedures.
- The Club recognises the roles and responsibilities of the statutory agencies in safeguarding children and the responsibilities and expertise of the relevant agencies in determining whether young people have, or may have, been abused or otherwise harmed or are at risk of harm. The Club will cooperate with all requests from Local Authorities, Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) or their equivalent, Local Area Designated Officers
- (LADO) and the Police in relation to all child safeguarding issues including serious case reviews and child death reviews and notifiable incidents (HM Government 2015).
- The Club is committed to providing access to appropriate advice and support through its Safeguarding Officer and ensuring that concerns relating to the safety and welfare of children are taken seriously and acted upon swiftly and appropriately.
- The Club’s Safeguarding Officer will ensure that child welfare issues are reported to the Club’s Directors.
Under most circumstances in the Club children will be under the supervision and care of the parents or carers. However, there may be some circumstances where this is not the case, children being given a ride in a TVR is an example. In most TVRs the child will be alone with the driver and this can pose risks for both the child and the driver. Wherever possible, it is suggested that the child remains in the sight of other people and in this example, it is suggested that cars travel in convoy so that the car and the child remain in the sight of others throughout.
How to react to concerns about the welfare and safety of children
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. This means that everyone in the Club has a responsibility to respond to any concerns that they or others, may have about a child, or the behaviour of an adult.
There are four categories of child abuse:
- neglect
- physical abuse
- sexual abuse
- emotional abuse
Abuse and bullying can and does occur in a wide range of settings.
Reporting Concerns
Indicators of abuse should always be taken seriously and any concerns should be reported:
- At events to the event organiser who will, if possible, deal with the issue at the time and report the incident as soon as possible to the Club’s Safeguarding Officer. In extreme circumstances it may be necessary to report the concern to the statutory services. (Social Services or the Police)
- At Club meeting or Regional Activities, to the RO who will in turn contact the Club’s Safeguarding Officer for advice. Again, in extreme circumstances it may be necessary to report the concern to the statutory services.
Any individual that has concerns regarding photography and child safeguarding during Club activities should contact the event organizer who will in turn contact the Club’s Safeguarding Officer.
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
The Child Safeguarding Policy should equally be applied to the protection of Vulnerable Adults.
- TVRCC Safeguarding Officer - Fred Heddell, ROCo Tel. 07831 655390
- MSA 24/7 Helpline Tel. 07519 801674