The leaderboard speaks for itself (full details in our members' area) and we congratulate Jes on this year's achievement especially in an untried and untested car. There must have been times when (even) he questioned the wisdom of launching his 2012 campaign with much of the bodywork and half the engine still on the garage floor. These are minor details in the Firth psychie - Jes is a true competitor; his focus is total and unwavering and when the lights go green it really doesn't matter what he's driving. Most people "practice" during the practice runs; Jes doesn't. He has 4 timed runs which are all as fast as he can go. It doesn't always go his way though; the championship has strength in depth these days and it is testament to Jes' character that he is the first to congratulate those who make it difficult for him - he was beaten on 6 occasions (out of 14) this year by Alan Hugh Davies (2), Matt Oakley (1), Geoff Stallard (2) and Steve Lyle (1). Was he downcast, despondent, grumpy? Absolutely not! In a cheerful if slightly masochistic kind of way, he loves it when an event is really difficult. The adrenalin kicks in, he smokes incessantly, spills coffee and tries his very hardest all of the time. Much liked in the paddock but much admired too; many of us would be more than happy to purchase a large can of whatever it is that motivates him. The TVRCC Speed Championship will recommence in March 2013 and we invite newcomers to come and take part. That Tiv you have in bits, in cardboard boxes, in your garage, under a cover or just sat idly is a terrible waste and a disgrace to TVR ownership. We all know the roads are terrible, there are cameras everywhere and "motoring" is not the pleasure it once was. The TVRCC Speed Championship is the antidote - TVR owners, together, out to play, driving cars, having fun. If you'd like to come and have a go next year, please drop a note to Steve Hunter and Jo Briars and they will add you to next year's mailing list so that you'll automatically receive championship regulations and event invitations. Comments are closed.
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